Alum tanned leather, also known as Indian tanned latigo leather, has a dense fiber structure that’s attractive to artisans for braiding, lacing and creating straps. Cut into this leather and you’ll immediately notice its nice yellow center that’s a hallmark of alum tannage. In our shop, we use this leather for laces as well as bleeding heart knots on our headstalls. Extra strong, it contains just the right amount of tallows and waxes for weather resistance and exceptional feel.
The alum tanning process uses colorless aluminum salts and condenses the hide’s fibers, resulting in a durable, extra tough leather that’s been trusted by generations of leathercrafters for braiding and lacing that stands up to rugged use. Don’t just limit this leather to lacing, though! The 8-10 oz. makes beautiful dog collars and leashes that just get better with age and use.